Wednesday, June 25, 2008

so i cannot believe it's been since the end of january since i have updated my blog.

:( where did time go?

i really didn't think it had been so long.


well a lot has happened since the last post.

i went overseas and saw many great things and even greater people (see pics below). worked a lemonade stand in 98 degree heat. went to two stellar concerts (one of which was free). took photos for my cousin's wedding. brother got engaged. watched the new sex and the city movie. organized a chemo party. got accepted to a masters program in oklahoma. begged my husband for a puppy - no luck. started tanning again. and realized we're moving.

yeop. we're moving. to joplin, missouri.

will definitely be interesting. i'm excited...kind of. it'll be different. i'm sure i'll miss my friends (most definitely), my job (my boss is the best!), my apartment, free concerts at power and light district, world market, the view of downtown kansas city, rivermarket, our neighbors, the abundance of garage sales and thrift stores, and city life in general.

however, change can be good. right? right. and it will be. change in many ways, is what you make of it. so i'm going to make a vow, right now. i'm going to try my best to make this time the best i can.

in other news my husband started a blog. i know your response. whoa! craziness! but yes it is true. he has entered into the blogging world. welcome evan :) here's a link to his blog:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

im throwin my hat in the ring...

as a politically minded person that is.

i'm not normally this. i'd just thought i'd give it a try for a little while. see how it fits on me.

people are so intense it seems during political campaigns. they want a certain person to win or no one to win. while i think it's a crock that you have to practically be a millionaire to run for most any government office, i do think the people that run are normally at least somewhat worthy (resume' wise) of the office they are running for. so why (add candidate here) or no one? come on. someone's gotta win. and there's a chance it could be your person and a chance it might not be. get over it. your person might lose. that doesn't make you a loser. it just means your candidates a loser (j/k)

but really. this election is truly making history. we could soon have the first African American President or the first woman President. Pretty exciting times.

today at work i was listening to NPR and they were speaking of how or how not race will effect the election for obama. racism is unfortunately still an issue, but something else that is still an issue in america that is somewhat embedded into our society in a such a way that we rarely speak of it is sexism. sadly, like racism, sexism will also have it's place in our election.

the other night on television there were these men, all saying they didn't want hillary to win because she was a female. and females in their opinion are not capable of making the decisions a president needs to make. now, correct me if i'm wrong, but i can't think of a single thing that a male presidnet would do that a female would be uncapable of doing. except peeing while standing i suppose. but come on, seriously? that's your only reason for not voting for her?

i know people have legitimate reasons for not voting for clinton, and i have legitimate reasons for hoping she wins the nomination for the democratic party, but whatever your opinion is, if it is based on legitimate reasoning i can and will respect it.

if it's because someone is white, or black, male, or female unfortunately i am unable to respect and appreciate that opinion.

i'm sorry. racism and sexism should be extinct. and they definitely shouldn't be finding their way into our government as they have found they're way into so many other things.

so go out and vote on super fat tuesday. go vote based on legitimate reasoning and don't be upset if the way you wish for it to turn out is not how it pans out in the end. they're all qualified.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

so i haven't posted in a little while...

i've been doing some thinking. i've come to a couple of conclusions:

1. life is hard. sometimes there's no reasoning behind why or who its hard to. it's just hard. and there's really no telling who has it hardest. i have to think that these tough situations take their turns with all of us. everyone has their own struggles. in a way, to struggle is to live.

2. i do believe i am a quick reader. yes, i'd like to attribute it to some amazing skill but really that's all. i read fast. and sadly, the books i've been reading lately tend to be aimed at teens. maybe i'm trying to stay young. ha. i dunno. all i know is i flew through the princess diaries I today at work and went out and bought the second and third ones in the series for tomorrow.

3. people are crazy if you ask them to pay cash only. seriously. in this digital age they will yell at you and shake out of anger, even if their wallet is full of cash. sometimes i wish we lived in simpler days. where the money you had was it. no credit cards- no spending what you don't have. and i wish it was silver. none of this paper nonsense. i mean seriously, sometimes don't you just look at a dollar and think, "this is just paper, why does this (money) end up defining so many peoples lives?" we work all day to bring home some paper. nah, give me the silver. even though i am anti-paper, i like when old men pay for things with $2 bills. it reminds me of my grandpa. so the $2 bills can stay. everything else must go when i govern our country. no worries, i don't foresee that occurring.

4. my husband and i got this new red leather chair for christmas as our present to each other and i have learned i am obsessed with it. it's beautiful. it's hard not to be infatuated with it. on another note i can't bring myself to take down the tree yet. i know, i know, it's after christmas. but, it looks so pretty. can't it stay up all year?

5. i don't like slick roads. nope. not one bit. one lady did a full 180 degree turn today right in front of me. i felt kinda bad for her. she looked at me with this, "i'm an idiot look" and i thought, no you are not an idiot. it's just slick. you don't have to explain yourself to me lady. just don't accidentally spin in to me and we're good.

6. our city is in some serious debt, or so i learned from the mayor when he was giving the state of the city address of which some was on the news. i wonder if we're building at too fast of a rate. so many condos and apts. downtown, uptown, every which way. i dunno maybe there will be a massive exodus from the subrubs into the city. i would like that. excpet then we'd probably have more major crimes happening. i know the crime rate is higher in the city, but it seems like the suburbs are where the real psychos dwell. wait. that may not be true. i can't remember. maybe i got that from the movies. oh and i believe we need a different name for the "state of the state address"-that just sounds redundant. ugh. aren't there any other words we could use. i mean come on.

7. thin mints are getting seemingly smaller and smaller every year. and one serving size is 4 cookies. i mean come on, who eats only 4 cookies. that's just ridiculous.

that's about all of my revelations of late.

more to come.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


it's such a funny thing.

it seems just as you are at the point when you can appreciate life for what it is, it seems to go by faster. quicker. kinda like that cute skirt you see in the store and return to get the next day only to see it went a lot faster than you had hoped it would.

complicated. but i suppose the old saying goes, "such is life"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

hi. i'm __________.

so inspired by a dear friend of mine who wrote a very honest description of herself i decided to try to do the same.

sort of an introduction if you will.

of me.

so, who am i?

i'm a wanderer. sometimes i think it's because i get bored easily, other times i believe its because i just enjoy too many things and am either too stubborn to admit to myself i don't have the luxury of time or expendable money to do everything i dream of or am to embarrassed to admit i just can't make up my mind. so yes, i'm a wanderer. in conversations (i get sidetracked a lot), in my career, in most areas of my life. i get on big kicks - or so my husband tells me. i'll become slightly obsessed with something for about a month, whatever it may be, an idea, a book, a hobby, piece of clothing, hairdo, and then it's as though i've had my fix and it's on to something new. in some ways this is a great way to live, learn a little about a lot, use a few of your clothing pieces a lot, and get to know a lot of different people through a lot of different organizations. in other ways, i don't know a lot about anything and most of clothing rarely gets worn. yes, that's how i roll.

i love the show scrubs and truly wish it would stay on air forever. or at least until a comparable show comes on television. i love photography and interior design. as well as thrift store finds and retro kitchens. i dream of a day when i can put all of these loves to use. i think some people might describe me as outgoing but those who really know me know i'm rather uncomfortable in most public situations. i love dancing but wish the 80's and early 90's would return so i could have fashion to go with my dance moves. i don't like grown up food - i prefer things that are microwavable and am already afraid this will be a problem as i grow up. at some point i might have to eat grown up food - scary.

i'm married to the best guy who puts up with all my insecurities and my monthly obsessions. i secretly, well not so secretly anymore think that most people are surprised evan and i are together - you see evan's a planner, has it all together, and i'm well rather the opposite. evan's calm, i am seriously an emotional roller coaster. we're kinda like dharma and greg.

i like most ideas in theory but am not in love with the realities of most of my idea. i love looking at flickr and etsy and wish i were more creative. i like making aprons but i don't like cooking. i have 6 of my grandmothers framed prints in my apartment. i consistently miss england. sometimes i secretly wish i was english. i like their accent - it's fun. i'm an insomniac who blames it on her diet coke addiction but who knows. i love the smell of fresh laundry. i write things i have already done on my to do list just to cross something off when i first look at it. my favorite color is currently pink. i had so much fun at my wedding - seriously - so much fun.

i am not very good at being patient. daily i want to cut my hair off. i take "katie showers" as others refer to them. basically i twirl in a counter clock wise motion spraying about 12 sprays of bath and body works spray. yes. i am disgusting, but i realize it. i accidentally and mortifiably farted on my first real date with my husband, and then i asked him not to look at me the rest of the date. i like holidays. and friends. i think im a city girl but i suppose i dream in the country. i'm fun on st. patty's day and do believe i throw excellent bachelorette parties, but beyond that i'm pretty boring. i bite my lip in some kinda uncontrollable habit. people ask me really strange things. daily i miss my best friend and wish the flights to england didn't cost so much and take so many hours. i really want to go to the olympics. to watch, not as a competitor. i hate driving in traffic, well driving in general but i really like my car. i went to a garth brooks concert recently and am truly convinced i will never see a concert as good as it was.

when people aren't around at work, i sing the song from the intro to the show the gilmore girls. i wish i could work for my dad-i honestly think he's probably the best boss there is. i never want to move from our apartment - except i want to paint someday. like our walls - that would be fun. i wish i didn't shop at walmart but i do - i'm such a sellout.

i'm a christian and my faith is always changing and evolving. i hate cancer - like with a hate i can't describe. i think my mom is the strongest person i know. i'm a problem solver - i have trouble with chords that don't resolve and problems that are unsolvable. too much peace and quiet makes me nervous- i used to honestly believe the apocolapse had occurred on days like these. quiet days combined with the books left behind are never really a good combination. i used to run, not so much anymore, but i still consider myself a runner - whatever that means. i hate how much stamps cost. i'm a republican with ideals that align with democrats. i read the sisterhood of the traveling pant and get frustrated that they are in the "teen" section at barnes and noble. i love giving speeches but only when i have a ton of time to rehearse. i wish i had snow boots-i am really afraid of falling on the ice. i enjoy organizing. i love fashion but mainly wear t shirts and jeans. oh and i like writing in lowercase, but that seems to be obvious.

so that's me.

nice to meet you.