Thursday, December 13, 2007

hi. i'm __________.

so inspired by a dear friend of mine who wrote a very honest description of herself i decided to try to do the same.

sort of an introduction if you will.

of me.

so, who am i?

i'm a wanderer. sometimes i think it's because i get bored easily, other times i believe its because i just enjoy too many things and am either too stubborn to admit to myself i don't have the luxury of time or expendable money to do everything i dream of or am to embarrassed to admit i just can't make up my mind. so yes, i'm a wanderer. in conversations (i get sidetracked a lot), in my career, in most areas of my life. i get on big kicks - or so my husband tells me. i'll become slightly obsessed with something for about a month, whatever it may be, an idea, a book, a hobby, piece of clothing, hairdo, and then it's as though i've had my fix and it's on to something new. in some ways this is a great way to live, learn a little about a lot, use a few of your clothing pieces a lot, and get to know a lot of different people through a lot of different organizations. in other ways, i don't know a lot about anything and most of clothing rarely gets worn. yes, that's how i roll.

i love the show scrubs and truly wish it would stay on air forever. or at least until a comparable show comes on television. i love photography and interior design. as well as thrift store finds and retro kitchens. i dream of a day when i can put all of these loves to use. i think some people might describe me as outgoing but those who really know me know i'm rather uncomfortable in most public situations. i love dancing but wish the 80's and early 90's would return so i could have fashion to go with my dance moves. i don't like grown up food - i prefer things that are microwavable and am already afraid this will be a problem as i grow up. at some point i might have to eat grown up food - scary.

i'm married to the best guy who puts up with all my insecurities and my monthly obsessions. i secretly, well not so secretly anymore think that most people are surprised evan and i are together - you see evan's a planner, has it all together, and i'm well rather the opposite. evan's calm, i am seriously an emotional roller coaster. we're kinda like dharma and greg.

i like most ideas in theory but am not in love with the realities of most of my idea. i love looking at flickr and etsy and wish i were more creative. i like making aprons but i don't like cooking. i have 6 of my grandmothers framed prints in my apartment. i consistently miss england. sometimes i secretly wish i was english. i like their accent - it's fun. i'm an insomniac who blames it on her diet coke addiction but who knows. i love the smell of fresh laundry. i write things i have already done on my to do list just to cross something off when i first look at it. my favorite color is currently pink. i had so much fun at my wedding - seriously - so much fun.

i am not very good at being patient. daily i want to cut my hair off. i take "katie showers" as others refer to them. basically i twirl in a counter clock wise motion spraying about 12 sprays of bath and body works spray. yes. i am disgusting, but i realize it. i accidentally and mortifiably farted on my first real date with my husband, and then i asked him not to look at me the rest of the date. i like holidays. and friends. i think im a city girl but i suppose i dream in the country. i'm fun on st. patty's day and do believe i throw excellent bachelorette parties, but beyond that i'm pretty boring. i bite my lip in some kinda uncontrollable habit. people ask me really strange things. daily i miss my best friend and wish the flights to england didn't cost so much and take so many hours. i really want to go to the olympics. to watch, not as a competitor. i hate driving in traffic, well driving in general but i really like my car. i went to a garth brooks concert recently and am truly convinced i will never see a concert as good as it was.

when people aren't around at work, i sing the song from the intro to the show the gilmore girls. i wish i could work for my dad-i honestly think he's probably the best boss there is. i never want to move from our apartment - except i want to paint someday. like our walls - that would be fun. i wish i didn't shop at walmart but i do - i'm such a sellout.

i'm a christian and my faith is always changing and evolving. i hate cancer - like with a hate i can't describe. i think my mom is the strongest person i know. i'm a problem solver - i have trouble with chords that don't resolve and problems that are unsolvable. too much peace and quiet makes me nervous- i used to honestly believe the apocolapse had occurred on days like these. quiet days combined with the books left behind are never really a good combination. i used to run, not so much anymore, but i still consider myself a runner - whatever that means. i hate how much stamps cost. i'm a republican with ideals that align with democrats. i read the sisterhood of the traveling pant and get frustrated that they are in the "teen" section at barnes and noble. i love giving speeches but only when i have a ton of time to rehearse. i wish i had snow boots-i am really afraid of falling on the ice. i enjoy organizing. i love fashion but mainly wear t shirts and jeans. oh and i like writing in lowercase, but that seems to be obvious.

so that's me.

nice to meet you.

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