Thursday, January 17, 2008

so i haven't posted in a little while...

i've been doing some thinking. i've come to a couple of conclusions:

1. life is hard. sometimes there's no reasoning behind why or who its hard to. it's just hard. and there's really no telling who has it hardest. i have to think that these tough situations take their turns with all of us. everyone has their own struggles. in a way, to struggle is to live.

2. i do believe i am a quick reader. yes, i'd like to attribute it to some amazing skill but really that's all. i read fast. and sadly, the books i've been reading lately tend to be aimed at teens. maybe i'm trying to stay young. ha. i dunno. all i know is i flew through the princess diaries I today at work and went out and bought the second and third ones in the series for tomorrow.

3. people are crazy if you ask them to pay cash only. seriously. in this digital age they will yell at you and shake out of anger, even if their wallet is full of cash. sometimes i wish we lived in simpler days. where the money you had was it. no credit cards- no spending what you don't have. and i wish it was silver. none of this paper nonsense. i mean seriously, sometimes don't you just look at a dollar and think, "this is just paper, why does this (money) end up defining so many peoples lives?" we work all day to bring home some paper. nah, give me the silver. even though i am anti-paper, i like when old men pay for things with $2 bills. it reminds me of my grandpa. so the $2 bills can stay. everything else must go when i govern our country. no worries, i don't foresee that occurring.

4. my husband and i got this new red leather chair for christmas as our present to each other and i have learned i am obsessed with it. it's beautiful. it's hard not to be infatuated with it. on another note i can't bring myself to take down the tree yet. i know, i know, it's after christmas. but, it looks so pretty. can't it stay up all year?

5. i don't like slick roads. nope. not one bit. one lady did a full 180 degree turn today right in front of me. i felt kinda bad for her. she looked at me with this, "i'm an idiot look" and i thought, no you are not an idiot. it's just slick. you don't have to explain yourself to me lady. just don't accidentally spin in to me and we're good.

6. our city is in some serious debt, or so i learned from the mayor when he was giving the state of the city address of which some was on the news. i wonder if we're building at too fast of a rate. so many condos and apts. downtown, uptown, every which way. i dunno maybe there will be a massive exodus from the subrubs into the city. i would like that. excpet then we'd probably have more major crimes happening. i know the crime rate is higher in the city, but it seems like the suburbs are where the real psychos dwell. wait. that may not be true. i can't remember. maybe i got that from the movies. oh and i believe we need a different name for the "state of the state address"-that just sounds redundant. ugh. aren't there any other words we could use. i mean come on.

7. thin mints are getting seemingly smaller and smaller every year. and one serving size is 4 cookies. i mean come on, who eats only 4 cookies. that's just ridiculous.

that's about all of my revelations of late.

more to come.

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