Thursday, January 31, 2008

im throwin my hat in the ring...

as a politically minded person that is.

i'm not normally this. i'd just thought i'd give it a try for a little while. see how it fits on me.

people are so intense it seems during political campaigns. they want a certain person to win or no one to win. while i think it's a crock that you have to practically be a millionaire to run for most any government office, i do think the people that run are normally at least somewhat worthy (resume' wise) of the office they are running for. so why (add candidate here) or no one? come on. someone's gotta win. and there's a chance it could be your person and a chance it might not be. get over it. your person might lose. that doesn't make you a loser. it just means your candidates a loser (j/k)

but really. this election is truly making history. we could soon have the first African American President or the first woman President. Pretty exciting times.

today at work i was listening to NPR and they were speaking of how or how not race will effect the election for obama. racism is unfortunately still an issue, but something else that is still an issue in america that is somewhat embedded into our society in a such a way that we rarely speak of it is sexism. sadly, like racism, sexism will also have it's place in our election.

the other night on television there were these men, all saying they didn't want hillary to win because she was a female. and females in their opinion are not capable of making the decisions a president needs to make. now, correct me if i'm wrong, but i can't think of a single thing that a male presidnet would do that a female would be uncapable of doing. except peeing while standing i suppose. but come on, seriously? that's your only reason for not voting for her?

i know people have legitimate reasons for not voting for clinton, and i have legitimate reasons for hoping she wins the nomination for the democratic party, but whatever your opinion is, if it is based on legitimate reasoning i can and will respect it.

if it's because someone is white, or black, male, or female unfortunately i am unable to respect and appreciate that opinion.

i'm sorry. racism and sexism should be extinct. and they definitely shouldn't be finding their way into our government as they have found they're way into so many other things.

so go out and vote on super fat tuesday. go vote based on legitimate reasoning and don't be upset if the way you wish for it to turn out is not how it pans out in the end. they're all qualified.

1 comment:

michelle said...

someone close to me said recently that they didn't think America was ready for a president with the last name Obama.

i honestly didn't know how to reply. as sad as it is, there is some truth to that. sickening, but semi-true.

anyway .... i mainly came here to tell you to update. just thought i'd throw that in there too. :) ha.
